Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A dream of Cameron last night led me to this...

I think it is a message from him. Appropriate for the one year mark since his passing.

Thoughts in Transit...

Is it morbidity or just simplicity that draws us to find beauty in death? Fall is upon us. The trees are withering, the grass is shuddering away into the ground, soon the ground and forests will be barren. Yet our optic nerves and the synapses in our brain tell us that these things make our world beautiful. The decay of our leaves make the atmosphere more colorful and that makes us think that there is something to be joyful for.

The death of relationships and friendships can be beautiful too. Even in a time when we should, by all means, be feeling as if we have lost something that was important to us, the joys of what the departure has brought us outweighs the loss.

The simplicity of our thought processes makes us one of the weakest species on the planet. We capitalize without thinking of the effects of our actions. Remember as a child when you were told to think before you acted? What if the thoughts that you had told you to do something stupid? What if, even after you were done and you realized the error that you had made, you were still satisfied? How far are you willing to go to prove a point?

Perhaps the cumbersome notion that the world is dying around me has gotten me a bit under the weather. Then again, maybe in this state of deep thought I am thinking more clearly than I have been for awhile? Maybe the skeletal remains of things that I thought were important, turning to dust and withering away in the dark recess of my mind, is a cleansing that I need.

- Author Unknown

I couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks, Cameron.